I'm Devina


I'm all about photographing your family in this stage, as they are. Babies cry, toddlers tantrum, and parters will whine - I don't promise these won't happen, but I promise you these aren't the parts you'll remember when you look back at your family's precious photographs.

As the "artsy" kid in school, I was always creating. Back then, that meant drawing, painting, and doing silly spooky shoots in my bathroom photography "studio". While I still cater to my other creative hobbies, these days my life revolves around my family and my photography. Armed with a Bachelors in Commercial Photography and Graphic Design, plus the 20+ years of doing photography, i've explored and worked professionally in many different genres, including concert and events, sales photography, editorial fashion photography, commercial beauty shoots, down to working in an e-commerce product photo studio. 

Around the time I started growing my family was when I started growing my own photography business. I've found that the sessions I enjoy most are those with newborns and multiple little ones. I LIVE for these shoots! First, doing newborn photography is like product photography, they are so still, so precious, so perfect as they are. On the other hand, I also thrive photographing families with multiples! Sibling energy is so much fun to document, and the shots are twice as sweet! As a mom and experienced photographer, just now that you are in very capable and experienced hands. I can't wait to meet your family!

a glimpse behind the camera

i'm devina, mom of 3 daughters, photographer since forever, artist constantly creating with messy mediums, leo-virgo cusp, enfp, and a monkey on the chinese zodiac - welcome to my world!



Creating art, even when it sucks. There's no wrong way to create art, just endless ways to experiment. So therapeutic!

favorite place

My favorite place are conservatories! Anywhere I can dig my toes in the sand would be a close second!

my signs

I'm a leo-virgo cusp. Ennegram 4, and a monkey on the Chinese zodiac.

fun fact

I love trying strange and bizarre foods. The weirder the better. I'll take on all the innards, raw foods, and funky combinations -- i'll pass on the insects for now though.


Lately i've been all about painting botanicals. Getting to do it with my kids puts me in my happy place. 

guilty pleasure

My guilty pleasure is binging on reality tv shows instead of reading all the ebooks I wishfully download

My core values



All families (and even more true for businesses) have their own unique personality, quirks and style. Let me capture all these authentic factors to create photos that feels personal to you. From outfit styling to using your own convenient  space, I pride myself on flexibility and customizing my sessions so that your photos can feel like you.




Alot of memories are embedded in the little details of the mundane - like the chipped little nails of a newborn, your toddler's rebel curls, and your furry friends wishing to be part of the frame. When I shoot your session, I try to capture every single precious detail of these little fleeting details of the early years.

Detail focused



While I try not to use too many props for newborn sessions, I love using florals to frame your newborn. Creativity is a tool I use to approach every shoot I do, whether it be through color, composition, framing or lighting, I always try to approach each session in its own unique, creative way. 

embrace creativity
